Linux Bash: Pause commands.

Enter solution
read -rsp $'Press enter to continue...\n'

Escape solution (with -d $'\e')
read -rsp $'Press escape to continue...\n' -d $'\e'

Any key solution (with -n 1)
read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n 1 key
# echo $key

Question with preselected choice (with -ei $'Y')
read -rp $'Are you sure (Y/n) : ' -ei $'Y' key;
# echo $key

Timeout solution (with -t 5)
read -rsp $'Press any key or wait 5 seconds to continue...\n' -n 1 -t 5;

Sleep enhanced alias
read -rst 0.5; timeout=$?
# echo $timeout


  • -r specifies raw mode, which don't allow combined characters like "\" or "^".
  • -s specifies silent mode, and because we don't need keyboard output.
  • -p $'prompt' specifies the prompt, which need to be between $' and ' to let spaces and escaped characters. Be careful, you must put between single quotes with dollars symbol to benefit escaped characters, otherwise you can use simple quotes.
  • -d $'\e' specifies escappe as delimiter charater, so as a final character for current entry, this is possible to put any character but be careful to put a character that the user can type.
  • -n 1 specifies that it only needs a single character.
  • -e specifies readline mode.
  • -i $'Y' specifies Y as initial text in readline mode.
  • -t 5 specifies a timeout of 5 seconds
  • key serve in case you need to know the input, in -n1 case, the key that has been pressed.
  • $? serve to know the exit code of the last program, for read, 142 in case of timeout, 0 correct input. Put $? in a variable as soon as possible if you need to test it after somes commands, because all commands would rewrite $?